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The Best Classes
for Your Family

Welcome to Educational Family Center

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Join us online for a fun and educational day.

Choose lessons in English, German, Ukrainian languages,

Mathematics, Sciences, Elementary school...


Get acquainted with our directions and choose your own

It is never too late to learn



English is always relevant and necessary in many areas of life.

SAT and GED  are a serious challenge to the knowledge of the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the final assessment in advance and honestly.

Audience: children, teenagers, adults.

Study: individually and in groups.

Algebra & Geometry

During their stay in educational institutions, students often face the difficulty of studying the exact sciences. Therefore, this course is relevant for every student, because these subjects are mandatory.


SAT and GED are a serious challenge to the knowledge of the subject. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the final assessment in advance and honestly.


Audience: students.

Study: individually and in groups.


We work on the Rostock program and more.


Physics Chemistry Biology

The world around us is interesting and exciting.

During their stay in educational institutions, students often face the difficulty of studying natural sciences or a lack of understanding of the practical side of the subject.


External evaluation and the SAT are a serious challenge to the knowledge of these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the final assessment in advance and honestly.


Audience: students.

Study: individually and in groups.

Elementary school
Maths & Ukrainian

The purpose of homework is not to do homework for children, or for children to rewrite the finished task from the board, but to help children think and develop themselves.


The GAD is the first major challenge for young students. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the final assessment in advance and honestly.


Audience: students.

Study: individually and in groups.


We work on the Rostock program and more.



German is relevant and necessary for studying and working in Germany, Austria...


Do not miss the opportunity to study at your dream university.


Audience: children, teenagers, adults.

Study: individually and in groups.

Ukrainian & Russian languages for foreigners

If you are a foreigner that lives in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus etc. you probably have language barriers. That is why we want to help you to learn the Ukrainian or Russian language.

We would be glad to see you in our classes.

Audience: children, teenagers, adults.

Study: individually and in groups.

Навчальна група веселиться
Літній чоловік у офісі

Computer classes
for beginners

Nowadays, everyone needs to have computer skills.



• PC from scratch

• office programs MS Word, Excel, Power Point

• PC for retirees

• Apple user


Audience: children, teenagers, adults.

Study: individually and in groups.

Contact Us
Tutor English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology German, elementary school ...
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