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Package №2

4-5 lessons / week of long-term study in the amount of one family*



Package №3

from 6 lessons / week of long-term study in the amount of one family*

* If only up to 4 lessons / week are long-term (during the school year) training, and other classes are short-term courses, the discount applies only to short-term courses; if only 4-5 lessons / week are long-term (during the school year), and other classes are short-term, the discount applies only to short-term courses, and others are paid, according to Package №2.

** If classes are canceled within a month to the amount of Package №1 (without discounts), the discount is canceled, to the amount of Package №2 (10%) - the discount will be 10%.

Tutor English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology German, elementary school ...

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